Visa Screening Partnership Programme

Visa Screening Partnership Programme

If you represent a Typing Centre and would like to become our partner to enable a seamless experience for your Guests, request a call-back now. Our team will get in touch with you shortly.

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How it works

Our dedicated partner portal makes booking visa screening services for your customers quick and easy, with full training provided for counter staff.

Simply select the service tier required, enter the customer’s details, choose a date, time and location, and collect the relevant payment from the customer. Our system will automatically create the appointment, and confirm the appointment details with the customer via SMS or email.

Key Features

How you benefit

In addition to attracting customers to your business, our visa screening service pays a valuable financial incentive for each appointment booked, with up to 10% of the customer fee available as a commission payment.

The booking system will track fees received, generating a monthly invoice in arrears detailing the payments due from your business to CHSC, for transparent and simple accounting and administration.